How to record your voice over a song

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Using a DAW Software Such as Audacity or Garage Band Then you can choose the one that is more suitable for your overdubbing needs. Keep reading as we go into more detail to explain each technique. In this post, I present the five best methods you can use to record your voice with music in the background. There are different methods you can use to record your vocals or instruments with background music simultaneously, but the easiest and best ways are: Overdubbing also works well if you have a karaoke track and want to record your voice or instruments over it. This recording technique is very useful if you are a singer because you can create a track using a guitar or keyboard, then record your voice over it. Overdubbing, also known as layering, is a recording technique where you use a pre-recorded music track to record over it while it plays in the background. When you want to record yourself singing with background music, you are basically using a popular recording method called overdubbing.